North Country Semi-Weathering Purple slate tiles will weather to tones of brown and buff over time.
North Country Semi-Weathering Purple is a premium quality roofing slate in various shades of burgundy with frequent inclusions of green. A percentage of these purple roof shingles will weather to tones of brown and buff over time. This semi weathering purple slate is frequently used to smooth the color transitions on multi-colored roofs. North Country Semi-Weathering Purple roof slate meets or exceeds the requirements of ASTM as an S-1 rated roofing slate.
How is Semi Weathering Purple slate affected by weathering?
Is Semi-Weathering Purple and Royal Purple slate the same thing?
Yes, North Country Semi-Weathering Purple slate, may also be known as Royal Purple and will have various shades of burgundy with frequent inclusions of green.
Is this an S-1 slate?
Yes, North Country Semi-Weathering Purple slate meets the S-1 classification for ASTM C406/C406M-15, Standard Specification for roofing slate. Testing is completed annually to ensure all current requirements are met by ASTM International (ASTM), formerly American Society for Testing and Materials.