North Country Slate has supplied roofing slate for several buildings at Queen’s University over the years. With a reputation for supplying premium quality roofing slate, our company was selected to provide the five color custom blend slate roof for Queen’s new Mitchell Hall. We supplied our North Country Semi-Weathering Green, North Country Unfading Mottled Green and Purple, North Country Semi-Weathering Purple, North County Semi-Weathering Gray/Black (Strata) and North Country Unfading Green in 16” length x random widths x 3/16” to ¼” thicknesses. The architect’s objective was to harmoniously blend a variety of tones and textures with the understanding that the weathering slates will take a number of years to take on the buff and brown hues.
Located in the heart of campus, near the corner of Union and Division Streets, Mitchell Hall is built on the footprint of the former Physical Education Centre (PEC). Thanks to over $85 million in generous donations from Queen’s alumni, friends, parents, the federal and Ontario governments, Mitchell Hall will bring every aspect of campus life together. Students will have access to athletic resources, engineering research labs, classrooms, entrepreneurship support and wellness services for counselling, health and mental health.
Mitchell Hall is a 190,036 square foot building and the exterior will retain the heritage face of the PEC building. A multicolored slate roof blends various colors together and its common to use a random width installation as is the case with Mitchell Hall. When using some unfading slate colors, blending in some semi-weathering slates will ease the transition between the colors. It’s important the roofer blends and sorts the slates. Adding up all the pieces of each color will determine the percentage of each for the blend.
The color blend for the 45 squares supplied to Mitchell Hall is as follows:
Semi-Weathering Green – 32 %
Unfading Mottled Green and Purple – 28%
Semi-Weathering Purple – 17%
Semi-Weathering Gray/Black (Strata) – 15%
Unfading Green – 8%
If you are in Kingston this fall, check out the new Mitchell Hall, you will be impressed with how it fits into Queen’s campus and looks like one of the original buildings from early 1900’s.