Outstanding Natural Slate Material
Uncompromising Quality
Google Hangout Meetings

North Country Slate staying connected with Google Hangout Meetings while working from home during the Covid-19

By     Apr 1st, 2020
North Country Slate’s Google Hangout Meeting

North Country Slate is thankful for modern day technology!  Staying connected with co-workers, customers, friends and family is so important during this challenging time in our lives and routines.

Working from home, the North Country Slate team uses Google Hangout Meetings bi-weekly to catch up on typical “water cooler chats” like what’s everyone watching on Netflix, what are some meals/recipes you are making, how’s everyone’s families doing, what orders are going out and preparing for our year-end inventory.

We have just recently updated our office phone technology and are now cloud based so you can continue to reach us during normal business hours Monday to Friday from 8 am to 5 pm.  Our newest member to the NCS team,  Emmeline, will answer the phone and direct your call.

We are also thankful to have a good quantity of slate in our yard and are still able to continue shipping within Canada and into the States.  Please reach out to us if you need a quote or samples! John Neil and Chris Large are also reachable by cell, text or emails.  We also have great educational resources on our website, books available for purchase and for architects we have slate roofing specification under our Design Support tab.

Stay safe everyone and whether its communicating by phone, text, emails, Skype, Google Hangout Meetings, ZOOM, FaceTime, Instagram, Facebook, stay connected…..it’s important!

Thank you for your support as we work thru this situation together.

By     Apr 1st, 2020

Sheena Owen

Sheena Owen began working for North Country Slate on October 12, 1999. Started as the Sales Coordinator and transitioned to a Sales Representative. Daily duties include providing customer service, new business development, inside sales, handling all cross-border customs issues/documentation, arranging shipments, health and safety representation and social media marketing. Sheena graduated from the University of Guelph in 1992 with a BA in English and Drama and in 1995 graduated with a Diploma in Radio and Television Broadcasting from Centennial College. Sheena’s first job was the Executive Producer’s Assistant for TV shows including Robocop, F/X The Series and Nikita. She went on to becoming an Assistant Manager at Eddie Bauer. In her spare time, Sheena enjoys traveling, gardening and hikes with family and friends.
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