- What is the color and is it unfading, semi-weathering or weathering?
If you need to replace a few pieces of slates, it’s important that you try to match the new slates with the existing slates. You may need to remove a piece and check the back side to see what the original color was. Slate roof tiles produced in North America are available in; Unfading Black, Semi-Weathering Gray/Black, Semi-Weathering Mottled Gray/Black, Semi-Weathering Gray, Unfading Gray, Unfading Purple, Semi-Weathering Purple, Unfading Mottled Purple and Green, Unfading Green and Semi-Weathering Green.
- Approximate quantity (1 square covers 100 square feet)
Slate is sold by piece or square depending on what is required. You may physically see you need to replace 10 pieces, but once you get to the section of the roof more may become damaged from pulling out the broken pieces. Best to order a few extra pieces.
- What is the slate thickness (3/16”, ¼” – 3/8”)?
Slate is available in several thicknesses, the most common ones are; 3/16”-1/4” (Standards), ¼” – 3/8” (Quarters), 3/8” – ½” (Heavies) and ½” – ¾” (Extra Heavies).
- What is the width of slate?
Try to measure the width of the slate you need to replace. A slate roof can be single width or random width.
- What is the exposure (length of shingle that is not overlapped by the course above)?
If you measure from the bottom of the slate on the course above to the bottom of the piece you need to replace you will find the exposure. Based on a 3” headlap, the amount of exposure will change as the slate length gets longer. For example, a 14” (L) x 10” (W) will have a 5.5” exposure whereas a 20” (L) x 10” (W) will have an 8.5” exposure.
- Ship to address for accurate freight quote.
Depending on where you are located, slate is shipped on 53 foot closed transport truck, flatbed and sometimes on a 40’ container. You may need a tail gate to help off load the pallet, shipping to a residential address versus a warehouse all must be accounted for when getting a freight quote.
If in doubt, email us a picture so we can help identify the color and size. Send email to info@ncslate.com