The term unfading refers to natural slates weathering characteristics when exposed to the elements. Slates can either be designated as Unfading or Semi-Weathering, with unfading slate being least likely to fade over time.
North Country Unfading Black is a premium quality roofing slate offering an elegant and lasting roof for both new construction and restoration projects. Favorably compared to the famous slate of the Monson region of Maine, this smooth, rich black slate with a slight luster has earned the admiration of architects, contractors and building owners around the world. North Country Unfading Black slate premium roofing materials meets or exceeds ASTM requirements as an S-1 rated roofing slate. This black coloured slate roofing material is produced by a single quarry, North America’s largest, and is exclusive to North Country.
What does “Unfading” mean?
Where is North Country Unfading Black produced?
North Country Unfading Black is produced by Glendyne Inc. in Saint-Marc-du-Lac-Long, Quebec, Canada. It is the largest producer of roofing slate in North America.
Is this an S-1 slate?
Yes, North Country Unfading Black meets the S-1 classification for ASTM C406/C406M-15, Standard Specification for roofing slate. Testing is completed annually to ensure all current requirements are met by ASTM International (ASTM), formerly American Society for Testing and Materials.
Is this the best color match to a Pennsylvania Black or Pennsylvania Gray slate?
North Country Unfading Black slate is frequently installed on historic restoration projects where the discontinued Peach Bottom, Lehigh, and Northampton counties in Eastern Pennsylvania slates were the benchmark. Its smooth textured qualities and consistent unfading black, blue/black or cathedral gray tones make it an excellent match. Over the years North Country Unfading Black has been recognized with many historic preservation awards as an approved “match existing” slate to Pennsylvania, Monson and Buckingham slate colors.

Glendyne roofing slate is recognized worldwide achieving the highest standards of testing throughout North America; ASTM C406/C406M-10, and Europe; CE (Conformity European) BS EN 123261: 2004 (British Standard European Norm) Classification A1, T1, S1, NF (Norm Francais) NF 228 and ATG (Belgium Standard) STS 34.03.6.

See North Country Unfading Black Slate Tiles on Roofs Across North America Below
Tour the Glendyne Quarry and find out how roofing slate is made